DeSmuME PS4 (DualShock 4) Controller Setup For Windows

2021年5月24日—Ivebeenplayingpokemonplatinum,andforsomereasonthecontrolsjustarentworking.Ivetriedothergames.andthecontrolsseemtobe ...,YoucanconfigurethecontrolstoyourlikingbyassigningtheDSbuttonstokeysonyourkeyboardorbuttonsonnearlyanysortofconne...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Controls wont work in a particular rom (Page 1) Support ...

2021年5月24日 — Ive been playing pokemon platinum, and for some reason the controls just arent working. Ive tried other games. and the controls seem to be ...

DeSmuME user guide

You can configure the controls to your liking by assigning the DS buttons to keys on your keyboard or buttons on nearly any sort of connected game controller.

DeSmuME Tutorial

2023年8月1日 — DeSmuME is a standalone program, so it does not have an install wizard. Installation is simple: just extract DeSmuME from its zip file. To make ...

DeSmuME Users Manual

2023年9月24日 — Select Emulation and click on Run to start playing the game. click on Run. 5. ENJOY! desmume works. desmume, Emulator Controls.

Best Controls for DeSmuME?

2022年1月15日 — Other than DeSmuME, I prefer playing on No$GBA with No$Zoomer with it. I believe DeSmuME does not change orientations, but No$GBA on the ...

Recommended control settingssetup for Desmume?

2021年4月6日 — I went with Controller + Mouse. It's designed to be played with only one set of buttons (either D-Pad or Face Buttons) in addition to the stylus ...


2021年5月24日—Ivebeenplayingpokemonplatinum,andforsomereasonthecontrolsjustarentworking.Ivetriedothergames.andthecontrolsseemtobe ...,YoucanconfigurethecontrolstoyourlikingbyassigningtheDSbuttonstokeysonyourkeyboardorbuttonsonnearlyanysortofconnectedgamecontroller.,2023年8月1日—DeSmuMEisastandaloneprogram,soitdoesnothaveaninstallwizard.Installationissimple:justextractDeSmuMEfromitszipfile.Toma...
